Spyrox Patella Plate

Spyrox Patella Plates are designed to address simple, wedge and complex fractures of large and small patellae.

• Anatomically Pre- contoured design.
• The plate is engineered to handle a variety of fracture pattern ranging from complex, star to communited fractures.
• Spyrox Patella Plate with Hook – provides exceptional support for pole fractures. The hook offers additional stability .
• The plate enhances stability and load distribution
• The plate incorporates a unique washer mechanism that allows upto 18 degree of screw angulation giving surgeons the flexibility of placing screws at the optimal angle for each specific fracture.
• The plate is provided with suture holes . These suture holes allow for easy reattachment of soft tissues around the patella, supporting in healing and maintaining joint stability
• The plate allows early weight bearing and Knee flexion

Spyrox Patella Plate, Star | Spyrox Patella Plate with Hook, Star